
粟路軍中南大學教授 簽約兼職專家


主要科研成果:出版學術專著1部,發(fā)表學術論文80多篇,其中SSCI來源期刊20篇,SCI1篇,其中ESI高被引前1%和ESI0.1%熱點論文1篇,EI來源期刊2篇,CSSCI來源期刊20余篇,CSCD來源期刊1篇,ISSHP收錄2篇,人大復印資料全文轉載3篇,論文被引1000多次,單篇最高引用達100余次。發(fā)表的學術期刊包括國際旅游學和商學Top期刊《Tourism Management》(SSCI和ESI來源期刊)、《Journal of Business Research》(SSCI和ESI來源期刊)、《International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management》(SSCI和ESI來源期刊),《Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research》(SSCI和ESI來源期刊)和《Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing》(SSCI和ESI來源期刊)。

序號 年份 題目 摘要 發(fā)表期刊 備注
1 2019 旅游者主觀幸福感研究進展及啟示 隨著旅游活動的大眾化和經?;糜我殉蔀槿藗兂B(tài)化生活方式,對人們的生活產生了深刻的影響,因而旅游者主觀幸福感受到了國內外旅游學界的廣泛關注,成為當前旅游學界重要研究主題和前沿。對有關旅游者主觀幸福感的相關文獻系統(tǒng)梳理后發(fā)現,現有研究主要探討了旅游者主觀幸福感的概念、構成、旅游活動與旅游者主觀幸福感的關系及作用機制等,但仍需要在清晰界定旅游者主觀幸福感的概念、確定其構成維度、探明形成機理、進行跨文化和跨階段比較分析、開展多學科和多方法融合研究等方面加以推進,以期形成旅游者主觀幸福感研 究理論體系,更好地指導旅游業(yè)發(fā)展實踐。 四川師范大學學報(社會科學版) 核心期刊
2 2019 Toward a model of destination
resident–environment relationship: the case of
Gulangyu, China
This study tested an integrative model to better understand residentsenvironmentally responsible behaviour (RERB) and willingness to sacrifice for the environment (WTS) using a sample of 430 residents on Gulangyu Island in China. Results show that destination environmental quality and eco-friendly reputation directly affected resident environmental identification and environmental commitment. Destination eco-friendly reputation directly influenced RERB and WTS. Both resident environmental identification and commitment directly affected RERB and WTS. Furthermore, environmental identification and environmental commitment fully mediate the effects of environmental quality on RERB and WTS, and partially mediate the effects of destination eco-friendly reputation on RERB and WTS. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 核心期刊
3 2019 Perceived corporate social responsibility's impact on the well-being and supportive green behaviors of hotel employees: The mediating role of the employee-corporate relationship The study explores the influence of perceived corporate social responsibility on the employee-corporate relationship (organizational trust, organizational identification) and subsequent well-being of employees and their engagement in green workplace behaviors. Respondents (n = 441) included employees from eight different hotels located in Changsha, China. Corporate social responsibility directly impacts trust, identification, wellbeing, and green behavior. Organizational trust and identification also directly influence employee well-being and green behavior, with employee well-being further driving green behavior. Findings show that both organizational trust and identification partly mediate the relationship of perceived corporate social responsibility with both employee well-being and green behavior. Multiple mediation analysis is used to add additional insights into these relationships. Implementation of corporate social responsibility initiatives by an organization may provide positive workplace outcomes for employees (increased well-being), the company (more engagement in workplace green behaviors), and the relationship between employees and the firm (greater organizational trust and identification). Tourism Management 核心期刊
4 2018 From recreation to responsibility: Increasing environmentally responsible
behavior in tourism
Environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) matters a great deal for the long-term success of tourist destinations. Building upon the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework, the current study constructed an integrated model to demonstrate perceived destination eco-friendly reputation as a stimulus; consumption emotions (positive and negative) as organism; tourism satisfaction, recollection, tourist environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) as response. Notably, tourists' recollection is seen within this S-O-R framework as the formation mechanism for prescribed action and consequently as an example of script theory and the generation of consumer responses, thus connecting elements of behavioral and cognitive psychology in a unified framework. Survey data from 522 Chinese tourists were used to empirically examine the integrated tourist ERB model. The findings suggest that destination eco-friendly reputation positively impacts both positive emotions and tourist satisfaction, and eco-friendly reputation negatively impacts negative emotions. Positive emotions significantly and positively influence tourist satisfaction, tourists' recollection, and ERB. Conversely, negative emotions have a significant negative effect on these constructs. Moreover, tourist satisfaction positively influences recollection and ERB, and recollection in turn positively affects ERB. Theoretical insights and practical implications are discussed in this paper. Journal of Business Research 核心期刊
5 2018 TouristsSocial Responsibility Perceptions of an Urban Destination in China: The Mediating Role of Consumption Emotions Using a Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework, the ourrent study proposes that the perceived sodal responsibility of an urban destination elicits tourists affective responses, which contributes to tourists' post-visit behavioral intentions. Empirical findings from a sam ple of 541 Chinese tourists reveal that visitors who are attentive to destination sodal responsibility initiatives are apt to have more positive consumption emotions, while destination sodal responsibility is nega tively associated with negative consumption emotions. Consumption emotions partially mediate the effects of perceived destination soda responsibility on intentions to revisit adestination, make referrals, and/or seek other travel destinations. Interestingly, the predicted relation ship of destination social responsibility to intentions to search for alternative destinations was statistically significant, but in the reverse direction. Study implications of these important findings are discussed, limitations provided, and future research directions suggested. Journal of china tourism research 核心期刊
6 2018 How does Perceived Destination Social Responsibility Impact Revisit Intentions:The Mediating Roles of Destination Preference and Relationship Quality This study applied the relationship quality theory to examine how destination social responsibility (DSR) impacts revisit intentions through the mediation of destination preference and relationship quality (i.e., tourist satisfaction and identification). An integrated model was proposed and tested by using survey data from an urban tourism attraction in China. The findings indicate that DSR positively impacts destination preference and tourist satisfaction, but it does not have a significant influence on tourist-destination identification. Destination preference directly affects tourist satisfaction and tourist-destination identification, which in turn positively influences revisit intentions. This study offered theoretical and practical contributions to the research of destination social responsibility. Sustainability 核心期刊
Utilizing Mehrabian-Russell’s Stimulus–Organism–Response framework, this research investigates how service quality elicits positive emotions, negative emotions, and destination identification, contributing to tourists’ subjective well-being and intentions to return to a destination. Using an intercept sampling approach at a natural and cultural destination, a total of 539 completed questionnaires were obtained from Chinese tourists. The findings demonstrate that perceived service quality can enhance tourists’ positive emotions and identification with a destination while decreasing negative emotions. This study also provides empirical evidence for a direct relationship between emotions in tourism
consumption and destination identification processes. In addition, the results suggest that emotions and destination identification can bring about both economic benefits to a destination via revisitation and positive social outcomes for tourists in the form of subjective well-being.
Tourism Review International 核心期刊
8 2018 旅游地居民感知公平、關系質量與環(huán)境責任行為 基于公平理論和關系質量理論,文章構建以旅游地居民感知公平(程序公平、分配公平、互動公平)為前因變量,關系質量(社區(qū)滿意、社區(qū)認同)為中介變量,環(huán)境關注為調節(jié)變量的旅游地居民環(huán)境責任行為形成機理整合模型。通過對廈門市鼓浪嶼旅游區(qū)居民調查獲取453份有效數據,對整合模型進行實證檢驗,發(fā)現:(1)旅游地居民感知公平是關系質量的重要前因變量;(2)感知公平通過關系質量影響居民環(huán)境責任行為;(3)環(huán)境關注在關系質量對環(huán)境責任行為影響中沒有調節(jié)作用。該模型具有較好的預測能力,從而證實了基于公平理論和關系質量理論的整合模型在預測旅游地居民環(huán)境責任行為的合理性和可行性。研究建立了社區(qū)居民環(huán)境責任行為形成機理新的理論框架,為旅游地可持續(xù)發(fā)展提供了新的視角。 旅 游 學 刊 核心期刊
9 2018 Effects Of Destination Social Responsibility and Tourism Impacts On Residents Support For Tourism and Perceived Quality Of Life This study investigated the structural relationships among destination social responsibility(DSR),tourism impacts (i.e., positive and negative impacts), residentssupport for tourism, and their perceived quality of life. A structural model was empirically tested with a sample of 272 residents living in the Phoenix Ancient Town in China. The results indicated that DSR enhanced residents perception of positive tourism impacts but did not influence their perception of negative impacts. Concurrently, DSR was found to have direct and positive effects on residents support for tourism and perceived quality of life. It also had indirect and positive effects on residents support for tourism and perceived quality of life, mediated by positive tourism impacts. While residents perceived positive tourism impacts increased their support for tourism and perceived quality of life, negative impacts would undermine support for tourism and proved to be disruptive to quality of life. JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY & TOURISM RESEARCH 核心期刊
10 2018 Unraveling the impact of
destination reputation on place attachment and behavior outcomes among Chinese urban tourists
Purpose -The impact of destination reputation on tourists' behavior has not received sufficient attention in the tourism literature. Built upon the signaling theory and the well-documented stimulus-organism-response framework, the purpose of this paper is to propose and assess a theoretical model that captures relationships among destination reputation, place attachment, tourist satisfaction, and the search for alternative destinations.
Design/methodology/approach - Using the covariance-based structural equation modeling technique, this study empirically tested the conceptual model with a convenience sample of Chinese tourists who visited a popular coastal urban tourism destination in China.
Findings-Findings reveal that destination reputation positively impacts perceived place dependence, place identity, and tourist satisfaction. In addition, place dependence positively affects tourist satisfaction, but place identity has no significant impact on tourist satisfaction. As expected, tourist satisfaction negatively influences tourists' search for alternative destinations; however, place identity positively influences tourists search for alternative destinations
Originality/value - Few studies in the tourism literature explore the role of destination reputation in the tourist decision-making process. The present study's unique contribution lies in its examination of destination reputation on tourists' behavior. In addition, this study includes the search for alternative destinations as an important behavioral outcome into the proposed model. Some tourists explore alternative destinations even though they are willing to revisit and spread positive messages about the destination they already visited. Therefore, the continuous searching behavior is worthy of investigation in tourism studies.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 核心期刊
11 2018 Destination perceptions, relationship quality, and tourist environmentally
responsible behavior
This research examines the relationship of tourists' perceptions and relational quality with their environmentally responsible behaviors. Data was collected at a variety of times and days over ten weeks from visitors (n = 568) exiting a tourist destination located in central China. Perceived service quality provided by employees at a destination was found to positively impact value perceptions, environmental commitment, and tourist environmentally responsible behavior. Value perceptions positively impact tourist satisfaction, environmental commitment, and tourist environmentally responsible behavior. Tourist satisfaction and environmental commitment were found to fully mediate the relationship of the value obtained from visiting a destination, as perceived by tourists, with environmentally responsible behavior. Multiple mediation analysis confirmed two paths: 1) perceived employee quality to value perceptions to service experience satisfaction to tourist environmentally responsible behavior; and 2) perceived employee quality to value perceptions to environmental commitment to tourist environmentally responsible behavior. Tourism Management Perspectives 核心期刊
12 2018 Reputation,subjective well-being, and environmental responsibility: the role of satisfaction and identification Based on signaling theory, this study investigates how the perceived reputation of a destination impacts the environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) and subjective well-being (SWB) of tourists through satisfaction and identification with a destination, respectively. The findingssupport the proposed behavioral model. A total of 539 valid questionnaires were obtained from tourists to a natural ecology and historical culture destination in China and analyzed. The results show that destination reputation has a direct impact on tourists satisfaction and identification with the destination. Satisfaction and identification with the destination both partially mediate the effect of perceived destination reputation on tourists ERB and SWB. Findings suggest that enhancing perceptions of a destinations reputation is an important step in increasing tourists SWB and strengthening their engagement in ERB. Discussion of the findings, research implications, and future research directions areprovided. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 核心期刊
13 2018 How does destination social responsibility contribute to environmentally responsible behaviour? A destination resident perspective Based on stakeholder theory and social exchange theory, this study developed an integrated model to demonstrate that destination social responsibility (DSR) influences tourism impacts (both positive and negative impacts), overall community satisfaction,and both directly and indirectly influences resident environmentallyresponsible behaviour (ERB). The model was examined using a sample of 453 residents living on the Gulangyu Island, a famous island tourism destination of Xiamen, China. Results show that DSR enhances residents' perception of positive tourism impacts, improves overall community satisfaction and contributes to resident ERB.However, the effect of DSR on negative tourism impacts was not significant. Thus, positive tourism impacts and overall community satisfaction partially mediated the effect of DSR on resident ERB. The study findings offer both theoretical insights and practical implications on destination management and sustainable destination development. Journal of Business Research 核心期刊
14 2018 Destination perceptions, relationship quality, and tourist environmentally
responsible behavior
This research examines the relationship of tourists' perceptions and relational quality with their environmentally responsible behaviors. Data was collected at a variety of times and days over ten weeks from visitors (n = 568) exiting a tourist destination located in central China. Perceived service quality provided by employees at a destination was found to positively impact value perceptions, environmental commitment, and tourist environmentally responsible behavior. Value perceptions positively impact tourist satisfaction, environmental commitment, and tourist environmentally responsible behavior. Tourist satisfaction and environmental commitment were found to fully mediate the relationship of the value obtained from visiting a destination, as perceived by tourists, with environmentally responsible behavior. Multiple mediation analysis confirmed two paths: 1) perceived employee quality to value perceptions to service experience satisfaction to tourist environmentally responsible behavior; and 2) perceived employee quality to value perceptions to environmental commitment to tourist environmentally responsible behavior. Tourism Management Perspectives 核心期刊
15 2017 境外旅游者環(huán)境責任行為研究進展及啟示 隨著旅游業(yè)的發(fā)展壯大,其對旅游地社會、經濟、環(huán)境的影響日益突出。旅游者采取環(huán)境責任行為與否直接關系到旅游地可持續(xù)發(fā)展,因而旅游者環(huán)境責任行為成為當前旅游學界研究熱點和前沿。文章對境外有關旅游者環(huán)境責任行為的相關文獻進行了系統(tǒng)梳理,發(fā)現現有相關研究主要探討了旅游者環(huán)境責任行為的概念、維度結構、影響因素及形成機理等。在此基礎上,文章對境外該領域的研究進行了相應評析,并展望未來可能的研究方向。特別是基于中國傳統(tǒng)文化和哲學思想,引入具有典型中國文化元素的變量到旅游者環(huán)境行為研究中,以形成具有中國文化特色的旅游者環(huán)境責任行為理論體系,指導我國旅游業(yè)發(fā)展實踐。 旅 游 學 刊 核心期刊
16 2017 服務質量對旅游者抵制負面信息意愿的影響機制研究———基于 Stimulus-Organism-Response( S-O-R) 分析框架 隨著互聯(lián)網、移動互聯(lián)網的廣泛使用,微博、微信、博客和各種在線論壇等使得旅游地負面信息傳播速度加快、范圍拓寬、渠道增多,對旅游地發(fā)展的破壞性日益擴大。但如何促使旅游者產生抵制負面信息意愿,并在此基礎上建立相應的保護措施等尚未引起研究者的關注。本文基于 Mehrabian Russell 建立的Stimulus-Organism-esponse( S-O-R) 分析框架,構建以服務質量為外部刺激,消費情感( 積極情感和消極情感) 和旅游者滿意為內部情感狀態(tài),旅游者抵制負面信息意愿為行為反應的整合模型,探討服務質量對旅游者抵制負面信息意愿的影響機制。通過對岳麓山-橘子洲旅游區(qū)的旅游者進行調查,發(fā)現旅游者抵制負面信息意愿的形成過程符合 S-O-R 框架。實證研究表明,服務質量正向影響積極情感和旅游者滿意,進而影響旅游者抵制負面信息意愿;服務質量負向影響消極情感,進而影響旅游者滿意和旅游者抵制負面信息意愿;服務質量直接正向影響旅游者抵制負面信息意愿。中介作用檢驗進一步證實,積極情感和旅游者滿意在服務質量對旅游者抵制負面信息意愿中起部分中介作用,而消極情感未起中介作用。 旅 游 科 學 核心期刊
17 2017 旅游地社會責任對居民生活質量的影響機制 基于社會交換理論和利益相關者理論,構建了旅游地社會責任、旅游影響(積極影響和消極影響)、社區(qū)滿意度和居民生活質量關系模型。通過對鳳凰古城居民調查獲取基礎數據對理論模型進行實證檢驗,發(fā)現旅游地社會責任主要通過三條路徑對居民生活質量產生影響:①旅游地社會責任→旅游積極影響→居民生活質量;②旅游地社會責任→社區(qū)滿意度→居民生活質量;③旅游地社會責任→旅游積極影響→社區(qū)滿意度→居民生活質量。此外,旅游地社會責任對旅游消極影響和居民生活質量沒有直接影響,同時,旅游消極影響對對社區(qū)滿意度有直接影響,而對居民生活質量沒有直接影響。 經濟地理 核心期刊
18 2017 The effect of destination social responsibility on tourist environmentally responsible behavior: Compared analysis of firsttime and repeat tourists Utilizing a Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework, this study presents and examines an integrated model that investigates consumption emotions (positive and negative) and tourist-destination identification as mediating variables between perceived destination social responsibility and the environmentally responsible behavior of Chinese tourists (n ¼ 539). Previous research has suggested that prior experience with a service can impact the relationships between constructs; as such, this study also investigates the potential moderating impact of visitation frequency on the proposed model. Findings indicate that consumption emotions (positive and negative) and tourist-destination identification do mediate the effect of perceived destination social responsibility and environmentally responsible behavior. Only positive emotions were found to significantly impact tourist-destination identification. A moderating effect for first-time, relative to repeat visitors, was found for some paths between the investigated constructs in the proposed model. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed, limitations provided, and future research directions suggested. Tourism Management 核心期刊
19 2017 The Effect of Tourist Relationship Perception on Destination Loyalty at a World Heritage Site in China: The Mediating Role of Overall Destination Satisfaction and Trust This study focuses on domestic tourists at a World Heritage Site located in China and investigates the relationship of three important visitor perceptions (i.e., service fairness, destination image, and service quality) with tourism destination loyalty (i.e., positive word-of-mouth referrals and revisit intentions) through overall destination satisfaction and trust toward destination service providers. The structural equation modeling findings generally support the conceptual model and indicate that service fairness and service quality have a significant and positive impact on overall destination satisfaction and trust toward destination service providers, while destination image has a significant effect on overall destination satisfaction but not on trust toward destination service providers. In addition, the investigated perceptions-loyalty relationships are found to be mediated by overall destination satisfaction, but not necessarily by trust toward destination service providers. The paper includes discussions of the theoretical and managerial implications of the findings. Journal of Hospitality & TourismResearch 核心期刊
20 2017 How does perceived corporate social responsibility contribute to green consumer behavior of Chinese tourists A hotel context Purpose – This study aims to examine consumption emotions and customer–company identification as mediating variables to explore the association of perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) on green consumer behavior in a hospitality–lodging context.
Design/methodology/approach – Using a stimulus–organism–response framework, an integrated model is developed. The hypothesized relationships of the research model are tested using the structural equation modeling technique. Data were gathered from hotel guests at a UNESCO World Heritage Site in China.
Findings – Perceived CSR directly affects positive emotions, negative emotions and customer–company identification. Positive emotions significantly influence customer–company identification. Positive emotions and customer–company identification partially mediate the relationship between perceived CSR and green consumer behavior. Hotel type was not found to be a moderating factor.
Research limitations/implications – Perceived CSR can act to influence consumers’ behaviors more broadly via an increased likelihood of engaging in green consumer behavior. Implementing CSR strategies at the company level may provide additional benefits to society as a whole. The proposed relationships need to be replicated in other service organizations, segments and cultures to better assess the generalizability of the findings.
Originality/value – This study investigates the association between consumption emotions and
customer–company identification, which has been missing in the tourism/hospitality literature. This study also extends previous CSR literature by examining the potential moderating role of hospitality type.
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 核心期刊
21 2017 Influences of destination social responsibility on the relationship quality with residents and destination economic performance Based on extant research, this study proposes a model that integrates destination social responsibility (DSR), relationship quality with local residents (i.e. overall community satisfaction, resident trust, and resident identification), and destination economic performance. With survey data collected from a well-known ancient town in South China, this study determined that DSR could enhance the relationship quality between the destination and its residents, which could then improve economic performance in a general manner. Implications for tourism planners and destination management organizations as well as for interested researchers are presented at the end of this study. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 核心期刊
22 2017 Corporate social responsibility: Findings from the Chinese hospitality industry The study investigates the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on consumers’ attitudinal and behavioral responses, factors closely related to a firm's social and economic performance, using data from 451 customers of three hotels. We also test the universality of such impact across various consumer groups. Results
show that CSR positively affects perceived corporate reputation and customer satisfaction, which in turn, significantly affect customer commitment and behavioral responses (i.e., loyalty intentions and word-of-mouth).Perhaps more importantly, the role of CSR is not universal across consumer groups. Particularly, consumerincome seems to moderate the relationship between CSR and perceived reputation. Specifically, the positive effect of CSR on perceived corporate reputation is more salient among people with a higher income. Managerialimplications are discussed.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 核心期刊
23 2015 年 旅游地形象涵義、構成、特征與形成過程 ———基于國外文獻的梳理
旅游地形象是近年來國際旅游學界研究的熱點。本文通過對國外有關旅游地形象研究文獻的系統(tǒng)梳理,歸納了旅游地形象的涵義,探討了旅游地形象的構成,總結了旅游地形象的特征,探明了旅游地形象的形成過程,在此基礎上對旅游地形象研究進行述評并提出未來研究方向。 旅游科學 核心期刊
24 2015 年 旅游屬性檢驗: 理論模型與實證分析 旅游屬性研究是旅游學研究的基礎性課題,引發(fā)了學術界的廣泛關注,出現了經濟學派、社會學派、哲學學派和綜合學派等諸多不同觀點。文章從旅游活動的主體-旅游者視角出發(fā),將旅游的內容劃分為旅游服務和旅游吸引力兩個方面,將旅游者重游傾向和口碑宣傳作為旅游經濟屬性的重要體現,并將旅游者生活幸福感作為旅游社會屬性的重要體現,構建了旅游屬性理論模型。通過對廈門市旅游者調查獲取基礎數據,采用結構方程模型方法,對旅游屬性的理論模型進行實證檢驗。研究發(fā)現,旅游服務和旅游地吸引力對旅游的經濟屬性、社會屬性均有顯著正向影響。表明旅游的經濟屬性和社會屬性并不是相互沖突、相互矛盾的,反而是相互融合、相互促進的。旅游既具有經濟屬性,又具有社會屬性,源于旅游現象本身的復雜性。 旅游研究 核心期刊